Corporate Events

Maximum brand impact can be delivered with the use of corporate hash tags, your logo or event name included on the mirror background as well as on all instant prints generated.
Add to this live social sharing, digital overlays and filters; bold branded backgrounds and props customized to your brand and you can see that the only limit to content creation is your imagination.

Maximum Brand Awareness
We work with brands of all sizes to understand their values and objectives and turn these into creative activation's that promote action, engagement and create passionate brand advocates

Social Sharing
Add to this live social sharing, digital overlays and filters; bold branded backgrounds and props customized to your brand and you can see that the only limit to content creation is your imagination.
Extending your brand’s social reach is also made easier with instant social sharing to Instagram or Facebook as well as to your own online gallery.

We don’t just create still images. Our custom graphics and in-built videography also allow consumers to create GIFs and Boomerangs too!

Maximum brand impact can be delivered with the use of corporate hash tags, your logo or event name included on the mirror background as well as on all instant prints generated.